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These Broken Stars
Amie Kaufman, Meagan Spooner
Progress: 50 %

audiobook: Daughter of Smoke & Bone

Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Daughter of Smoke and Bone, #1) - Laini Taylor, Khristine Hvam


Can a book be wonderful to read but the audiobook version skew the book’s greatness?



Yes, yes it can, but no worries for DoS&B audio. It was transcendent.


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A Monster Calls

A Monster Calls - Patrick Ness



I'm torn about this book. I can't say I enjoyed reading it, but I did. I know that makes zero sense but that's all I've got.  Did I even like it? Will I remember it? Was it tragically beautiful?


Yes, yes, and yes.


But I still just feel meh.


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Why Can't I Stop Thinking about You?

Comfort Food - Kitty Thomas

Hmmmmm? I mean, I dont' even know your name.

Dirt (HDU #2)

HDU #2: Dirt - India Lee

They have sex! Finally!!


This may seem like a lame comment, but hey, I like some steam. I mean, I rarely believe the man-whore reformed to cold showers but this one worked for me. (They were seperated by location and he was doing other manly/physical/high adrenaline activities. I'm sure he still wanted it though. Duh.)


Dirt was a lovely follow-up, but not necessary, book to continue Amanda's crazy ass life in NYC. I'll just say that Liam has a good boyfriend, welcome back Ian, and Conner can suck it.



note: Dirt has a complete ending but it isn't a stand alone. Enjoy!


HDU - India Lee

***First Review (for me) on BookLikes!***



I've been in kind of a book funk. So, I wanted something light-hearted and easy to read. I found it in HDU. I love the banter between Liam and Amanda. I mean, if you know me, you know I can always use more steam but I still appreciated the FUN read without it. So, with that ending, I'll be jumping over to book 2, Dirt, immediately. Aaand, no it wasn't a cliffhanger. It just left room for a future of Amanda+NYC funtastic drama....hopefully without any eye-rolls. Fingers crossed.





She's the One - Erin Nicholas Another I’m the Minority book. Starring:Ryan: super hot, gets laid a lot, zen-like paramedicAmanda: hot, fun martyr, secret crush on RyanEmma: Amanda’s promiscuous, must be the center of attention sisterOther people: Ryan’s friends and Amanda’s familyWe start the book out in a bar after a football game. Emma, Amanda’s youngest is kissing all the guys for winning. Enter Ryan, Amanda jumps on him and swings her legs around his waist for a deep, french kiss (her words, not mine). Ryan squeezes her ass and lets her down. Amanda goes to the table and brags how their one night stand, a year ago, has ruined her for all other men. Ooookay, I’m loving this bachelor already and want to fork Emma in the eye. A nice guy asks Amanda to dance and then on a date. Being the fun martyr, older, boring but responsible, I can’t have a relationship because I must take care of all my adult sisters she declines by telling him that she had a one night stand with Ryan and it broke her heart. Said guy punches Ryan for breaking Amanda’s heart. Ryan is curious and decides he wants the night that never happened. They agree but Amanda gets to pick the plans.See this is where I started to cock and eyebrow. I already was skeptical because of Emma but don’t worry. Emma and Ryan didn’t have sex thought he does admit that she has a bangin’ bod and is super hot. They just got naked, messed around and skinny dipped. Now they just kiss and make-out to make the overprotective, older brother annoyed and mad. So, feel free to swoon again. Me? I’m not so sure. It’s family. You know? but was happy to have her out of the scene but Amanda’s plans were just over the top and not under the agreement what-so-ever. She wanted to go dancing because she never gets to dance or have fun because she is too busy being boring and wants to be a responsible role model, but tonight she decides to go dancing in a short dress without panties. But she doesn’t even dance with Ryan. She is sandwiched between another couple and the girl is groping her chest and the guy is all over her. Ryan finally steps in and Amanda is so turned on she leads him to a couch where she straddles him but before they could really get it on the girl from the dance floor starts at it again while kissing Amanda. So, Amanda jumps off his lap and offers Ryan and his goods to said stranger. He was in no way giving off this vibe and didn't even want to go to the club in the first place. Ryan and I are all WTF is happening? I thought we were going to meet and have a night filled with crazy sex, not swinging in a club.So, stuff happens that I won’t tell you, just in case you want to read for yourself, but then I’ll just say that once they did have sex (come on you know that isn’t a spoiler and they were going to get it on) the characters turned from working professionals to seventh graders. The dialogue turned to cheese and Amanda planned their sexual experience, herself in love, Ryan ending the relationship, and leaving her with a broken heart. Wow right? So, she doesn't have time to be broken hearted (bc she has to take care of her sisters) she decides to friend-zone him. She wants a friendly relationship but the chemistry is just too hard to ignore. Amanda suggests doing something non-sexual in public, this conversation happens:‎"And I was going to suggest the strip club. Darn.” She smiled. "Right. And we can't go for ice cream." "Why is that?""I always get whipped cream on my sundaes, and there is no way you could survive watching me lick whipped cream off a spoon."His gaze heated slightly as he clearly imagined her doing just that. "We could go to a movie.""In the dark, sitting so close together for almost two hours? It would be too tempting to hold hands. Or hold something else," she teased. ‎"Or something?" he repeated. "I've never gotten a hand job in a movie theater." She felt her whole body flush with heat hearing him say "hand job". She wanted to do that to him. Right now, in fact.She put her hands to her face. “I’m thinking the zoo.”You want to go to the zoo together?” “It’s pretty nonsexual,” she said. Then thought about it. “Isn’t it?”“Sure, as long as no one mentions breeding or mating.” Right. With her luck the zebras would be going at it front and center.Does that sound like educated young adults? No, not to me. I should have stopped there but I was about 70% in and pushed through. Stuff happens but it just didn’t work for me. I liked the synopsis and idea but the dialogue turned too immature and predictable. I couldn’t relate or sympathize with Amanda and while Ryan was sexually educated, it didn't carry along the story for me. (and I never read a book with my name so you’d think it would be a shoo-in, right? Me too.) Everyone loves this book. What's wrong with me?

The Heart Has Reasons

The Heart Has Reasons - Martine Marchand Here is the rundown: The first part of the book pulled me in. Approximately 150 pages in I guessed what was going to happen, but I didn’t know how it would play out so that wasn’t really an issue. Then from the “big event” it went downhill for about 100 pages. 100 pages! It was the same thing over and over. Honestly, it could have been summed up in a couple of paragraphs and I wouldn’t have missed a thing. Not counting the “thugs” but don’t get me started there because that is another plot line that just didn’t work for me. About 83% in it started to pick back up again and I finally got some steam. Thank goodness. I am such a fickle woman. I loathe a weak, crying, whiney, insecure h but you know, I don’t really like those that have it all either. Laurissa bordered on the "I can do everything hear me roar" line but she didn’t annoy me and it is nice to read a strong h for a change. Except for those 100 annoying pages. I wanted to tell her to lawyer the fuck up and stop playing into Jarvis’ games.I know I’m supposed to hate Chase. I mean, he’s a kidnapper and all but I already know that my moral compass is hosed when it comes to books so I’m okay with liking him. Though, I can’t imagine how doing yoga while wearing a ski mask is attractive and I kept wondering how his face wasn't itchy. Lucky for him, he finally pulled his head out. But man, he’s lucky Laurissa didn’t shoot him.So, to the point, I did enjoy this book but it was just too long. There was absolutely no need to this to be a 400+ page book. Had some editing been done to cut down those rinse-and-repeat pages, I’d have easily given this 4 stars, but since I was almost bored for ¼ of the book, THHR only gets 3. I’m glad I read it but would be hesitant to recommend it to anyone, especially those who don’t like books of that length.
Frigid - J. Lynn,  Jennifer L. Armentrout This pains me. This book, review and rating will gut me. I’m sorry Jenny.The Good:The synopsis – two attractive people snowed into together with a fire place. This could have lead to some steam and swoon worthy moments. Right?The dual POV - I liked hearing from Kyler because there is no way I could have only read from Sydney's woe is me voice.Zach – I mean, obviously he is that good. Zach, in a snow storm, can ski carrying an axe to cut down trees so they perfectly take out ones power, he can shoot and hit target during a blizzard, and he knows how to find and disable generators on random houses. I mean, that is pretty good, Right? Zach, the evil Chuch Norris of Snowshoe.The Bad:The plot – the virginal, self-loathing, insecure h, Sydney, and the hot, man-whore, Kyler, long-time best friends who both secretly were in love.
Breathe Into Me - Amanda  Stone Okay, not much to say. I didn’t love it but I didn’t hate it. I’ll probably forget the names and details within a week so, here I'll tell you about it while I can remember.Tattooed, reformed bad boy, man-whore, Kane, is hot and irresistible. Obvs.Kelsey, the hot but doesn’t know it, clumsy, broken girl is the instant love connection with Kane.Yes, mega instalove. Yes, one has grey eyes and one has golden. (At least the h admitted that people had never seen the color of her eyes before. Well, that makes two of us.)Yes, he drives a motorcycle and it is her first time on a bike.Yes, she is a virgin. (I know, insert eye roll) Yes, there is over-the-top, yet predictable, drama. It just happens to be all crammed in the last 30 pages. Sigh. I found Breathe Into Me to be predictable, typical, and just like so many of the other NA/CR books that I’ve read or that are on my TBR shelf.

Until Fountain Bridge (On Dublin Street, #1.6)

Until Fountain Bridge (On Dublin Street, #1.6) - Samantha Young Starring:Adam (am I supposed to like you) Gerard SutherlandEllsie (virginal doormat) CarmichaelLocation:On Dublin Street – I know, no need to tell me it 4 timesUFB in bullet points:• Short, easy read• Not much steam but the steam was good when present• Adam man-whored London and mix-signaled his way into Els heart• Ellsie doesn’t feel comfortable with the “f-word”
Captive: A Guard's Tale from Malachi's Perspective - Sarah Fine Okay, this was only a few pages and I knew that going in. Normally I'd feel weird even rating something so short but I just really liked to hear from Malachi. I can't wait for [b:Fractured|17667916|Fractured (Guards of the Shadowlands, #2)|Sarah Fine|/assets/nocover/60x80.png|24663476]...and Malachi. If you haven't read [b:Sanctum|13482750|Sanctum (Guards of the Shadowlands, #1)|Sarah Fine|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1353166271s/13482750.jpg|19016498], I'd highly recommend you jump it up your TBR list before Fractured is released. IMHO.
Binds - Rebecca  Espinoza Can I just start by being honest? This author is awesome. I know her! Would I give her book a higher rating or recommend it to my friends because of her awesomeness? No. You know why? Because there are just too many good books out there and not enough time to read them all. That being said – I really enjoyed Binds.I appreciate how Ophelia is a strong heroine. She learns a lot of shit that would break a person but she took it in stride. She could either fold under the pressure or woman the eff up. What do you think she did? You got it – she owned her situation.Oh, and really TWO swoonable Heroes, be still my heart. Spencer, the closed off seemingly asshole-ish H, and Reece, the sweet I want to cuddle H, were so different. Not in the good-versus-evil way that having two strong Hs could have played out but in the “who the hell am I supposed to like because they both can rock my world type of way”. Okay, I may be the odd man out but I was pretty much Team Spencer from the start. So, Rebecca, I want some more steamy Spencer smooches. Cool? Binds was a good entry to the Binds series. It wasn’t an information dump or overload. It was paced and has now tee’d up Bonds in such a way that it isn’t a cliffhanger (which we all know I loathe) but has me reeling for more - more Reece, more Spencer and more Ophelia.Is it October yet?

Walking Disaster: A Novel

Walking Disaster - Jamie McGuire Ummm.....I feel like I just read BD again with one chapter from Travis' childhood from when he was 3 years old, which I had already read online, and half a chapter after they got married buying a car and first day after class and then an epilogue that was suprisingly unrealistic and based 11 years after they got married.
Rules of Entanglement  - Gina L. Maxwell Dear RoE,It’s not you, it’s me. I swear you will make thousands of women happy. I’m just the one with heroine hater and easily annoyed syndrome for over-the-top cheesiness. The entire premise of having to spend time together, knowing she would flip out and over-react, and the best man speech were just too much. Oh, and the rules, stupid rules...from CIS. To live by! face-palm.I’ll just start by saying that I was confused from the start. I didn’t get the vibe that Vanessa was a ball busting, man-eater, live by the rules kind of person in Seducing Cinderella. She was the fun friend! Where did she go? I think she was supposed to be snarky, witty and funny but, to me, she was dull and bitchy. This book did have some steam and a strong H but overall it just didn’t work for me.
Sanctum - Sarah Fine I had expectations going into this book. It came with great recommendations by those (few) I trust. And guess what? It didn’t disappoint!! I loved it. I’m now a fan of Ms. Fine and have already stalked her website looking for information for book two.I am impressed that this book could be about several dark topics (i.e. death, rape, and the Holocaust) but still have a hopeful feel. I appreciated the world building and character development in both Lela and Malachi. It’s dangerous to fall in love in hell.Hell, it’s dangerous to fall in love on Earth. I enjoy a book where a boy and girl meet, get to know one another, have some real conversations, and then decide whether or not they would like to pursue a love and physical relationship. Not much can get better than the swoon worthy, loyal, a little alpha male Malachi and the tough and witty Lela. I enjoyed Raphael and Ana’s characters as well. I enjoyed Ana’s character as a sister to Malachi and an ally to Lela. I love how the characters were not involved in a love triangle. There were so many obstacles that it was unnecessary, which I always think they are in YA books anyway, and appreciate the author not going there. Now, I’m concerned for the second book but I’m praying that Malachi and Lela can continue to grow closer and not let another person come in between them emotionally or romantically.I enjoyed getting to hear about the dark city both Lela’s fresh eyes and Malachi’s well-worn ones. Ms. Fine took my impression of Purgatory and spiced it up. The creative part of my brain enjoyed the journey. I cannot wait until the second book is released and sincerely hope it is on time, if not early. I will definitely be stalking this website to get some more Malachi:http://guardsoftheshadowlands.tumblr.com/
Fighting for Flight - J.B. Salsbury This book is for those readers who don’t mind:1) an insta-love connection2) insta-lust of the virgin and the one-night-only-casanova3) buckets of tears from the (stupid) crying heroine4) overuse of the endearing nicknames of “my girl” and “baby”This book is not for those who:1) appreciate character growth and development2) want a strong, mature, witty heroine3) enjoy steamy scenes without giggles and crying4) like to read a believable love story